What did I learn….
1. What the heck wordle’s are, and how to make one
2. How to write a catchy introduction by implementing life experience.
3. I also learned to look at poetry in a different light. I learned to respect things I don’t understand and give them a chance before I label them negatively.
What did I like/not like…
1. The Any Thing Else Café, hated it at first but now I love it. I have grown fond of it over time because it allows you to look at questions you might have not even thought about asking that ended up clarifying difficult assignments.
2. Poem writing F2F session where we were allowed to go anywhere to write our assigned poem. I always enjoy classes that are out of the ordinary. Since we were 4 years old we have been sitting behind desks doing the same things over and over again. It is always nice to experience something in school that wouldn’t ordinarily happen.
3. T.A. for the day. As much as I hate to admit it I enjoyed preparing a lesson for class. The only reason I would say I didn’t like it is because it is very stressful trying to make sure you teaching the right material. It is hard for young people to sit down and put a lesson together if you have never had any teaching experience. So far I have enjoyed this assignment in particular the most.
how do I feel about what I learned and what I did in class…..
Lit class has been overwhelming a majority of the time. I feel that this class has forced me to stay on top of things more so then I did before (which was a lot I might add). I know for a fact that my experience in LIT 2000 with professor Bolduc-Simpson will be unforgettable.
I know exactly how you feel! This class can be overwhelming at times. I also LOVED the picture. It was awesome!! I wish you would have included how you really feel about poetry before and after though. I have a feeling our ideas are the same. Great post overall!
ReplyDeleteI loved your picture! I hope I'm not worng, but is that a picture of the professor? I really like what you had to say about each assignment. I also liked that we are allowed to go outside the classroom to get inspiration for certain assignments. I can definitely agree that the class can be a bit overwhelming at times too, but anything else cafe and the communication factor helps out ALOT! Great post overall
ReplyDelete(I'm sorry, I forgot to sign into my account before commenting so my name didn't show up right)
ReplyDeleteI loved your picture! I hope I'm not worng, but is that a picture of the professor? I really like what you had to say about each assignment. I also liked that we are allowed to go outside the classroom to get inspiration for certain assignments. I can definitely agree that the class can be a bit overwhelming at times too, but anything else cafe and the communication factor helps out ALOT! Great post overall
I had a blast doing the video and recording for our first TA of the day with you and Emily. When one collaborates with others, one gets to know one another on a different level. I have never laughed as much or been as amazed as much as I have been over these past few weeks with you and my other Literary Laureates.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with our feelings on the anything else cafe. To me, it seemed like it was a waste of time at first. Yet, once all of the students and the instructor starting getting involved, I was very pleased with the outcome.
ReplyDeleteI can also agree with you that the class was a bit overwhelming at first. But, once everything was set into motion, everything just kind of fell together. Keeping on top of the assignments is very easy now.