3. In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
Kelly and Dan have many similarities and differences. They both work in the same office. Seems as if they are taking interest in each other. There have been many mixed signals between them but they finally got that all out of the way when it was all on the table and it took 2 blind dates to do it. Kelly showed evidence that they have dated before because she was giving a play by play on the conversation that Dan was having with his blind date. Dan also finished Kelly's story in the middle of it. That is more than enough evidence that they have dated before. The chances of a budding relationship is tough to tell from the small coffee shop interaction. But from everything they were talking about they agreed on and there was obviously some connection there. I feel that Kelly just wanted to find her love and was trying to hard. Dan is just going a long for the ride, evidence to this is Kelly watching the Yankee games for Dan to bring up some information about the Yankees. Dan took it like bait and Dan was head over heels for Kelly at that moment. I believe later throughout their relationship they will fight about their differences and will not be able to work them out and eventually break it off.
I enjoyed your response to the third question offered during this blog post. The one suggestion that I can make for you would be for you to improve on the structure of your response. You have to have everything in logical order, you kind of jumped around with you information. Other than this slight error, your response is great. You provided plenty of details pertaining to the question. Keep up the good work!