Martin Luther king Jr. is the first person who comes to mind when I read the assignment. A whistleblower is considered to be an informant who exposes wrongdoing within an organization in the hope of stopping it. Dr. King did just that, he stood against discrimination and persecution of African Americans. Even after he died his life’s legacy lived on; due to his determination and intolerance to change these injustices America is a better place. At the time many individuals did not like him and many disagreed with what he stood for. He was probably seen as a revolutionary just like Dr. Stockmann. Dr. King put his family’s life as well as his own in danger just merely by doing what he felt was the right thing. In comparison to Martin Luther King, Dr. Stockmann tried to help his town by warning the citizens that the springs are contaminated but inturend was labled by the people “an enemy of the people.” Dr. Stockman along with Dr. King stood for the truth; they sacrificed everything in seeing that changes were made. As Dr. Stockamann stated at the end of act 3 page 1062 “[we] are fighting for the truth, and this is why [we] are along.” In Dr. Kings case he ultimately paid for that with his life. At first Dr. King was hated, threatened, treated unfairly, but eventually his beliefs changed others and ultimately had a greater impact on society than maybe he had hoped for. Dr. Stockmann too was hated, and disliked but like Kill said in the beginning of act 3, just because the people are outraged by your statement doesn’t mean they don’t believe you. This was proven buy the decrease in stock value of the springs. Just because the majority is against you in the beginning doesn’t mean that they are right. The truth can never be wrong, Dr. Kings and Dr. Stockmann both stood for the truth, and eventually others will learn to stand for it too.
Wow. Great choice of comparison with Dr. Stockmann to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In regard to Dr. King, I definitely agree and I think everyone else will too, that he truly did stand up for what he believed in. He sacrificed his own life to make sure that the African American Community would be able to life a better life. Although there are some very pigheaded people out there who didn't want to hear his words of wisdom, mostly everyone came through and supported him even after his tragic death. Dr. Stockmann was definitely the same way in that he wanted to stand for people and to inform them what exactly was going on with the springs. Although in both cases, Dr. King and Dr. Stockmann were ridiculed and were constantly being told they were wrong, ended up prevailing in the end. Great post overall and I loved the video!
ReplyDeleteI like your post and most of all the person you chose to write about. I liked that you included what a whistleblower is just incase people don't know and I liked the detail and the comparisons you made.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed how you thought on a larger scale. You simply didn't google "whistleblowers" and pick a random person, but instead looked at a bigger picture and researched a man who obviously played a huge role in the history of the United States. You went above and beyond the assignment and I can't even think of a thing for you to improve! Great job!
ReplyDeleteGood post! I agree that you can’t really say whether Dr. stockamnn’s intentions were either selfish or unselfish in the sense that he seem to exhibit both types of characteristics. Good support from the text. Maybe next time you could use a little bit more, but over all your post was very good. Keep it up!