Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lisa - Blog 2


Daniel Ellsberg
In 1971 leaked Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, which gave the public information about the Vietnam War through the military's actions. Through this the public went against the Vietnam war and were not supportive of our troops while they were over there.
Ellsberg went against the government and copied the papers of military knowledge that shared that they saw no chance in winning the Vietnam War. He tried to convince a few Senators to release the papers because they could not be persecuted, but none of them gave in and it was all up to Ellsberg to let the United States know that the Vietnam war will never be a victory.

I believe that Ellsberg and Dr. Stockmann can be compared because they both informed the community about what was going on. Ellsberg placed his freedom on the line, and his findings lead America to not be supportive of the troops and the war.


  1. Wow! Very interesting story! I had never heard about it until now. I really like the fact that you picked it because I can definately see a resemblance between Ellsberg and Dr. Stockman's stories in more than one way. It would have been cool to see specific examples on how their stories and characteristics are similar. However, just from the brief description I can get a sense of likeness between the two. I really like the color of your font, too!

    = )

  2. You did an excellent job with the wordle and research! However, maybe you could have given us a little more information on Ellsberg's actions. Great job overall and way to go on mixing it up with the lime green font. Love it!
