3 important concepts you learned so far in the course
1. The first and I believe the most important is that Literature can take you places you have never been. Whether it was a poem or a short story, I put myself in the story. I learned that writing comments and highlighting in my textbook helped me understand the story when I looked back on it.
2. When writing a paper, make sure you proofread more than once. You will catch mistakes that you thought were never there.
3. I learned that poetry is a way to cope with feelings. Either reading one or writing one. A poem does not have to rhyme, it just has to have some sort of meaning.
3 activities you did that you either liked or didn't like and explain why
1. I like the journal entries we do during class. I speak my mind when I write in the journal.
2. I liked the group online discussion. It was a bit confusing at first but I enjoyed it overall because one particular student “taught” the class rather than the teacher.
3. I did not like the poem we had to write out of the newspaper article. I could not figure out how to write a poem out of just picking words out of an article. When I write a poem, I like to put my emotions into it and I felt that this activity did not let me do that.
3 sentences that represent how you felt about what you learned and what you did in class
1. I have so far enjoyed the class. It is one of my most difficult classes because of all the work that is assigned but overall, I have learned the most out of it.
2. My favorite part so far had been the poetry section.
3. This is an hour and fifteen minute class but it feels like it is a thirty minute class because we keep busy and it’s not a lecture class.
Thanks, Stephanie. I never would have thought that poetry would be so many people's favorite module so far. I feel the same way about time flying....so much to do....so little time....I don't believe profs should lecture on and on. Learning should be active and learner centered, not teacher centered.
ReplyDeleteI agree so much with your thoughts about the class. Yes, it's definitely one of the most difficult because of the content, but it always flies by - the class is such an enjoyment.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I love the picture you chose to pug in this blog. Thank you for the awesome read.