Dr. Jeffrey S. Wigand was crucial in the uncovering of the ethical relapses of the Cigarrete company "Brown & Williamson." He became a nationally known whistleblower when he released the company's decision in the selection of ingredients in their cigarettes. "On February 4, 1996 on the CBS news program 60 Minutes, he stated Brown & Williamson intentionally manipulates the tobacco blend to increase the amount of nicotine in cigarette smoke, thereby increasing the 'impact' to the smoker." His efforts were widely praised by the public and he continues to lead the effort against tabacco use with his non-profit organization Smoke Free Kids Inc..
His resemblence to Dr. Stockmann is quite apparent. Both of these whistleblowers were fighting for the public's health against great adversity. The difference, however, is the fact that Dr. Stockmann's effort was neglected by the whole town. Dr. Jeffrey S. Wigand had the support of the public, just not the CEOs and employees of the cigarrete companies.
Works Cited
Misc. Pictures. (2009, February 4). Retrieved October 21, 2009 , from 2tobias.com: http://www.2tobias.com/misc_photo's!.htm
Wigand, D. J. (n.d.). The Man Who Knew Too Much. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from jeffreywigand.com: http://www.jeffreywigand.com/vanityfair.php
I enjoyed your research on Jeffery Wigand Catherine and I actually addressed this whistleblower in our presentation. You were supposed to research a different whistleblower and relate it to Dr. Stockman. I totally agree with you that he really relates to Dr. Stockmann in the fact that he took a stand for the health of the people. Great research though, his story really made me want to see the movie that was based on him.
ReplyDeleteI think you have the right idea of the definition of a whistleblower and you did a grert job in caomparing and contrasting him to Stockmann. Although you were supposed to research a different whistleblower then in the presenation i think you researched more and larning more about the whole case. Good job mike.