Much of the activities and material I have learned in this class has made me think in ways I've never imagined. From poems and stories to free writing journal entries and online polls, many aspects of this course have surprised me and enlightened me. Whether i liked or disliked each activity, in class or online, something positive has come out of it... A good grade!
What I have learned from course activities and how I feel about it :
- The first concept I learned in this class is the REAL meaning of literature. We did an activity with Professor SBS's husband and daughter on the first day . We created a "Wordle" about everything that literature meant to us..."Literature is life, words, music, books, people, education." It was a new experience to learn about something I have never been interested in. The wordles were eye-opening and creative to work with.
- Another concept I learned is the many different types of poetry and how they are written. The poem activity in class really inspired me as i also used it to submit to the National Gallery of Writing. I learned that poems are pieces of literature written to express emotions. Famous types of poems include limerick, haiku, ballad, narrative, and sonnet. After learning what a poem was and the
hundreds or maybe thousands of types and ways to write them, it added to my wanting of exploring more of this delicate subject.
- The last and very most important concept and activity I learned was from our first paper we submitted. I chose to write a story as if I was CEO and President of Apple, Steve Jobs. I liked this activity a lot because it helped me learn honesty, integrity, and trust. By doing this paper, I learned about one of the most determined and committed men to ever live. I learned to live life to the fullest and always pursue my needs and wants. And to "live everyday as if it was your last."
I like your apple even though it is virtual. Glad to hear the activities are keeping you awake. Literature and life are connected, so I hope you can apply the concepts we learn this semester to your future career. Literature is life. Life is literature, no??