1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
In both Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing they deal with the idea of dating and relationships. The main difference in the two plays in the number of characters. In each play the characters are set up into a typical dating type scenario. What makes the two plays different is that in Sure Thing there are only two characters and these two characters met randomly at a coffee shop. But in the play Scuba Lessons it involves four characters, which are set up on blind dates. The two plays might have had different amounts of characters and a little different of a scenario but they both took place in a coffee shop. One odd thing that occurred in the play Sure Thing was every time Bill would answer a question incorrectly a bell would ring, reversing time giving Bill another chance at the question, and this would continue to happen until he answer correctly. The four characters in Scuba Lessons are Dan, Martin, Kelly, and Rayne. Kelly was set up with Martin and Rayne was set up with Dan. The play takes a turn when the four characters end up falling for the others date.
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Great post Matt. You did a wonderful job at pointing out all the simmilarities and differences between the two plays. You could have used a few more examples from the plays but overall you got striaght to the point and answered the question with a great response.