There were many similarities between the plays Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Both plays had the same theme which was romance. In both plays the characters were on dates which didn't work out until the end. The plays were also similar because each play showed conflict between male and female in a relationship. We see each couple struggling with the right things to talk to about each other. Another similarity in Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing is the setting in the plays. The setting in the two plays is in a coffee shop with all couples sitting at a table talking to their dates and trying to get through the dates without them being too akward. One more similarity is the length of both plays. The plays are short one act plays that if you look up on youtube only last about 10 minutes each.
There were not too many differences in these plays. The one difference that I saw is the type of dates the couples were on. In Sure Thing it seemed like the man came up to the women and they didn't know each other. It really wasn't a set date. In Scuba Lessons both Dan and Kelly's dates were blind dates but they were set up. I think it is different if someone just comes up to you out of the blue and starts talking to you because you can be caught off guard. On a blind date you don't know the person but atleast you have time before hand to plan out things that you want to talk about.
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