This comic begins with Lucie looking up into a tree saying "what are you doing in that tree?" You can tell by her emotion on her face in this first panel that she is puzzled. Even if there was no writing the emotion of Lucie would help the reader realize that she is puzzled and this is important. He asks Lucie if he has seen Snoopy and that he had climbed up here but now he can't find him. Linal has a look of concern on his face when asking Lucie and the reader can tell something is on his mind. Lucie then answers beagles can't climb trees. In the last panel we see snoopy falling out of the tree with classic motion lines. This really helps the reader to depict motion and to help understand that snoopy had fallen out of the tree in a still image. Emotion and motion lines help the reader really understand this comic and without them it would just be a still image with no emotions, pretty boring.
I had a problem posting the image of the comic... I'm not sure why it is so blurry but you can get the idea pretty well I think and here is the link...
You did a great job dipicting motion and emotion in your post, however, you forgot about time. You could have also talked about the star symbols that Charles used to show that Snoopy hit his head. Good job.