Monday, November 30, 2009

Krista's "Bloody Mary Birthday" Toondoo


  1. Your comic book was adorable. I liked how you made something that is normally very scary to children somewhat "light" and not as scary. I'm not sure if I enjoyed the ending as much. I guess you can't get the full effect though with a nice Mary, haha! A for creativity! I would never have thought to put a spin on the whole story! :)

  2. I loved your take on the Bloody Mary legend, I'm glad you did your comic showing how people today view it and how they react, it was really cute!

    The kids in the comic were hilarious, haha, and definitely realistic for a slumber party. :)

  3. Krista, I loved your humorous approach to the Bloody Mary story. I loved how you used faceless children and put the emotion in the text. Very clever.

  4. I loved the fact that quite a few students chose the urban legend of "Bloody Mary" for these assignments. It's so interesting to see the different perspectives and variations of a subject. It was a pleasure to read your comic. Kind of creeped out by the faceless kids though -- that's the only thing I can critique (haha!). AWESOME JOB, GIRL! Kudos.
