Good evening. It's that time again for 5 Minutes of Horror, the radio show that will chill your soul and rattle your minds. Sit back and don't relax.
“They Came By night”
Music: soothing violins
Setting: In East Tennessee 1959, David a young man from Knoxville, home for the holidays happens to stumble upon an old rusty carving knife that was given to him when he was a child.
David shocked to see the knife was still where he left all those years ago. As he fiddled with the knife there was a knock on the door (boom boom boom), causing him to accidentally sliced part of his finger. (music stops briefly)
David> What the hell ma! Ya bout scared the pants off of me!
Davids mother> davy! What in gods name did ya do to yourself!
David> nothing ma! I’ll be fine, leave me be please.
Mother> suit yourself, ya best get cleaned up before supper, it will be ready soon and ya know how your father gets when he is hungry and has to wait on people.
(Mother exits)
Music: quite melody or reminiscent music is playing
Bleeding from the laceration, his thoughts drifted back to the day when this knife saved his life.
Setting: It was 1950 the night of his eighteenth birthday. In those days when a boy turns eighteen he is no longer a boy, and that means he has manly responsibilities.
As the Lennen family was sitting around their dinner table Mr. Lennen, Davids father game him that knife it had been passed down for many generations. It was tradition that the eldest male in the family received it in his eighteenth birthday. David embraced the gift he longed for as a child. It was finally his! He was finally a man in his father’s eyes. It was also tradition to go on a father son camping trip. So the Lennen boys packed their gear and headed out towards the banks of the Chatahoochie the best spot for fishing.
It was dusk, this time of the year it seems like the sun takes forever to set. David and his father reach the Chatahoochie and make camp just before night fall.
Music: crickets are chirping, the fire is cracking and the wind is blowing through the great oak trees.
It is getting late and the fire is starting to die down. David is lulled into a drowsy state of awareness by the warmth of the fire.
Suddenly a loud shriek similar to that of an Indian war cry echoes through the forest AYhAYhAYhAYhAYhAYhAYhEEEE!
David> PA! did you hear that! I thought their hunting season wasn’t until-
Cut off by his father
Mr. Lennen>hush son…be still
Music: the sound of whispers and breaking twigs were getting closer and closer
WOW! I really liked the scenario that you created Emily. I liked how you kept the reader interested and almost guessing as to what was really lurking in the bushes. It gave a sense of suspense no really knowing if it could have possibly been an animal or and actually person. Which by the sound of the Indians coming from the distance, it probably was. But overall great use of music choice as well. I think it fit very well with the current setting. Great job overall, you really understood the concept of this assignment!
ReplyDeleteI like your use of dialog, Emily. Watch the mechanics though (David's...gave)