Good evening. It's that time again for 5 Minutes of Horror, the radio show that will chill your soul and rattle your minds. Sit back and don't relax.
“They Came By night”
Setting: Outside on a foggy fall night in Lehigh Acres, Florida. It was pitch black except for the dulled lights lighting the running path that Alexia was going on for her midnight run. Even though it was the night after Hal-o-ween, and all of the creatures, vampires, and witches were all supposed to be tucked away, there was something that wasn’t right….
Music: Out
Narrator: As Alexia started on her way down the 4 and a half mile run, noises coming from the woods next to her started freaking her out. She kept convincing herself that it was nothing, just some possum or raccoon in there. So to drain the noise, she put her ear phones in, and started listening to Barbie Girl.
Sound: THUD (something dropped hard in the woods)
Alexia: (pausing her ipod) What was that?
Narrator: Hearing nothing right after it, she determined that everything was okay, and that she was just hearing things.
Sound: THUD
Narrator: Determined that that time wasn’t a coincidence, she started running faster cranking her music all the way up. When she calmed down a bit, she slowed down. For the next mile everything was calm. Then, out of nowhere she got the feeling that someone was following her. Pacing forward, looking back countless times to make sure no one was there is how the next couple of miles went.
Alexia: AHHHHHH!!!
Ron: Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just heading home from the basketball courts.
Alexia: Oh. Thank god, that’s what that sound was. (Sigh of relief)
Ron: Well, it looks like we’re heading in the same direction; if you want we can run together?
Alexia: That would be great! I knew I should have come running with a partner.
Ron: Yeah, that’s always a good idea. So why are you so freaked out?
Alexia: Because It’s so gloomy out, and I keep hearing things. They might not be anything, but it sure is creepy.
Ron: I get you, but it’s not like there is anything out there that will kill you. Plus, I bet you could out run any one of those animals with the speed you were running at.
Alexia: I’d hope so. I wouldn’t want to be their dinner. And, it’s creepy out here, just you wait and see. This is the last time I’m running out here.
Ron: Nah, everything will be fine.
Sound: Ruffling trees and the whistling wind.
Sound: Owwwwww Owwwwww.(Wolf howl)
Ron: Was that a wolf?
Alexia: (shaking in fear) I think so!! What are we going to do?
Ron: Okay, your right, I know a short cut that will take us out to the main road, so we can hitch hike home.
Alexia: Okay sounds good,
Narrator: Alexia goes along with the plan, but what she doesn’t know is that Ron is not really a person, but a wolf in disguise. And he plans on eating her for dinner.
Music: Erie
Alexia: Are you sure this goes all the way through. This is kind of off path……
Sound: Scream! (Alexia)
Music: Out
Mrs. Bolduc-Simpson. I submitted it before the due date time. It showed me the post, and i have a screen shot of the post and the time that it was submitted. I'm sending in a email so i don't get points taken off. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGood story. It is supposed to be set near midnight, however, and i don't think someone would go jogging that late. Besides that, however, everything was good.
ReplyDeleteoops, ignore that midnight thing, I thought the title was "They came by Midnight." My mistake lol -_-
ReplyDeleteOh lord, woods are creepy! That's what made this so great to me :) My favorite part is when she's hearing noises, before Ron comes along, it reminds me of when I was a kid near the woods by my house. Gives me the shivers, but I always went back in haha. Great job, I enjoyed reading!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! Your story was very creepy. The one suggestion that I could make would have to be that you improve upon your ending a bit. Other than this slight infraction, I am very happy with what you did. I couldn't have done it any better myself. Great job!
ReplyDeleteGood story! I could really get a feeling like it could have been real... up to the wolf man of course! It seemed like the ending came up too quickly though. I would have liked to read more about what happened and how she found out he was really a werewolf. Other than that awesome story and good picture to go along with it!
ReplyDeleteI liek the setting of the story. The woods and the sounds effects within the woods would make the story frightening. I like were you ended the story it makes you wonder the ending. Awesome story!
ReplyDeleteYour story was perfect, honestly -- it could not have aligned better with the "THEY CAME BY NIGHT PROMPT." I would work on the consistency of your formatting though (in regards to action and FX). Such a pleasure to read. AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteThe woods at night are always scary no matter how you look at them. i like the barbie girl choice of music haha. Possibly putting more detail to help the listeners feel as if they were running with her. Maybe talk about having a full moon that night ;-)