Title: “They Came By night”
Music: organ playing and the sound of trees moving in the cold wind
Announcer: Good evening. It's that time again for 5 Minutes of Horror, the radio show that will chill your soul and rattle your minds. Sit back and don't relax.
Music: loud organ playing
Narrator: It is about 8 o’clock in the evening. Billy and his girlfriend Jen decided to do a favor for Billy’s parents of watching his little sister Sarah while they went to a work party. The trees are thrashing, the thunder and lightning are crashing one after the other and it looks as if a storm is about to brew. As if this was a sign that something bad was about to happen. But you might be wondering what could it be? Only time will tell…
Sarah: Billy I’m scared!
Billy: Oh don’t worry about it you big baby. It’s only a little thunder storm.
Jen: Billy don’t you think you should be a little nicer to your sister. She’s only 5 years old ya know.
Billy: OK OK I’m sorry. Hey you girls want to watch a movie?
Sarah: yes!
Jen: Yes!
Billy: Ok, let’s watch a scary movie. I think tonight is the perfect night don’t you think?
Jen: I don’t know Billy. I don’t think a scary movie is really appropriate of a young child.
Sarah: No I’m ok, I’m a big girl.
Narrator: Jen, Billy and Sarah are all sitting in front of the TV with a big bowl of popcorn in their hands. As the movie begins to play, the sound of thunder coming from outside sounds as if it is getting louder and louder.
Sarah: I don’t know if I want to keep watching anymore.
Jen: I think I’m going to help put Sarah to bed Billy if that’s ok?
Billy: sure, I don’t care.
Jen: common’ Sarah lets go get your pajamas on.
Sarah: Ok
Music: Organ playing
Narrator: As Jen walks up the stairs with Sarah by her side, the stairs begin to creek with each step that is taken. You can hear the wind whistling through the cracks of the front door. Twenty minutes go by and there is still no sign of Jen walking back down the stairs.
Billy: Hey Jen where are yah?
No answer
Billy: (he screams louder) JEN!?
Still no answer
Narrator: Billy begins to walk towards the stair case and hears footsteps coming from the top. But to his dismay, it wasn’t Jen who was walking. But if it wasn’t Jen then who could it be?
Music: Loud organ playing in the background as well as the sound of the storm from outside.
I like the mysterious ending...very Alfred Hickcock-ish....