ANNOUNCER: Good evening. It's that time again for 5 Minutes of Horror, the radio show that will chill your soul and rattle your minds. Sit back and don't relax.
ANNOUNCER: THEY CAME BY NIGHT! Designed to free you from the four walls of today for five minutes of HORROR!
ANNOUNCER: You are standing in inky blackness - looking up a long flight
of stairs, at the top of which lurks something unbelievably evil. Out of the
moving shadows behind you, coming closer to you, is the shadowy figure of
something that could only come from - a nightmare.
ANNOUNCER: Listen now as 5 MINUTES OF HORROR brings you Mason's terrifying story,
"They Came By Night"!
MUSIC: Creepy/Suspenseful Intro Theme
NARRATOR: Paul and Jessica Smith have just finished moving into their new home. It is an old Victorian style manor, with a sprawling lawn and a wall around the property. Surrounding the wall, and in some areas growing over and inside it, is a forest. The trees all look old and weathered, with dull obsidian bark and crimson leaves. When they had first seen the house, Paul had taken an instant liking to it and decided that this was the house they would buy. This liking stems from Paul’s love for horror stories, and he thought the house looked like something right out of such a story. Paul is sitting on one of the recently unpacked recliners while Jessica finishes putting away some odds and ends.
JESSICA: I’m glad we were able to get all the boxes and furniture inside today, it looks like it might rain tonight.
NARRATOR: Paul glances out the window at the sky. Swirling black clouds block out the stars, and the small beams of light from the full moon that manage to break through give the forest a hauntingly surreal and blighted look.
PAUL: This is great; it’s like being on the set of a horror movie.
JESSICA: Oh, I wish you would stop with all that talk of horror movies, you know I hate them. This place is so creepy; couldn’t we have chosen a different house? What about that lovely little house over on Wessington Street?
PAUL: Lighten up, it’s now like all those monsters are real or anything, it’s all just smoke and mirrors. Just the imagination of some Hollyw ...
SOUND: “AAHWOOOOOOOO” - a loud howl.
NARRATOR: The long, baleful howl cut off whatever Paul was about to say and made Jessica whimper in fright.
JESSICA: OH MY GOD, Paul, there’s something out there!
PAUL: Now calm down, it was just the wind blowing through the trees. There is nothing out there, look, I’ll prove it.
NARRATOR: Paul gets up and heads for the door.
SOUND: Floorboards creaking, footsteps, and then the creak of a door opening.
MUSIC: Suspenseful.
JESSICA: Paul, get back in here and lock the door right this minute.
NARRATOR: Jessica is now standing in the doorway, illuminated from behind, as Paul walks out onto the night-shrouded grounds. Paul turns to look back at Jessica, a small smile gracing his lips.
Paul: See, there is nothing out here to be afraid of.
NARRATOR: As Jessica lets out a horror-driven scream, a massive shape looms up out of the darkness behind Paul. There is a flash of white, and the light of the moon briefly peaks through the clouds to illuminate a spray of crimson. Golden eyes turn on Jessica.
SOUND: Screams!
Great imagery!! You had a nice build up and a great ending. The only thing that I thought threw off your story a little bit was the dialouge.
ReplyDeleteI like how you set up the story with your exposition of the who, what, and where and the irony of the talk of horror story in your horror story. I would only suggest that you stay true to "they came by night..." Are there others behind the golden eyes???