ANNOUNCER: Good evening. It's that time again for 5 Minutes of Horror, the radio show that will chill your soul and rattle your minds. Sit back and don't relax.
ANNOUNCER: THEY CAME BY NIGHT! Designed to free you from the four walls of today for five minutes of HORROR!
ANNOUNCER: You are standing in inky blackness - looking up a long flight
of stairs, at the top of which lurks something unbelievably evil. Out of the
moving shadows behind you, coming closer to you, is the shadowy figure of
something that could only come from - a nightmare.
ANNOUNCER: Listen now as 5 MINUTES OF HORROR brings you Matt Goldberg's terrifying story,
"They Came By Night"!
NARRATOR: Its was a dark and gloomy Halloween night, Two good friends Paul and Tonyt thought since it being Halloween and all they should go visit a house on the top of the top hill in their neighborhood. This was no ordinary house though… it was an abandoned house that was rumored to be haunted.
SOUND: Trees rustling in the wind, and young children running throughout the streets.
NARRATOR: Paul and Tony leave there house and began walking through the streets toward the house. As the approached the house they both could have sworn they heard an elderly ladies voice say “ Do not come any closer...”
SOUND: Heart pounding
Paul: Hey man did you just hear what I did?
Tony: You mean you heard that too!? I though I was just hearing things.
Paul: Im actually getting sort of scared now. You sure you want to go in?
Tony: Yes im scared too but its Halloween and if we don’t go in well never know if this place is actually haunted like all the rumors say.
Paul: Alright lets go in and gets this over with already.
MUSIC: Halloween Theme song
NARRATOR: Tony walks slowly up the porch while Paul follows closely behind. As Tony reaches for the Knob a loud scream gives out.
SOUND: Loud scream.
NARRATOR: Now both Tony and Paul’s hearts and racing and they enter the house.
SOUND: Creaking stairs.
Hey! Great post! The picture of the "haunted house" put a great image in my mind of the one in the story you used. I like that you set the story on a "dark and gloomy" Halloween night - as cliche as it might be I definitely knew from those indications that something ominous was going to happen. If there would be anything I could suggest it would be that you add more details in the beginning. Perhaps on their way to the house you could have had weird, creepy things happen to them. This could have given the audience fear for the boys right away and in wonder of what's going to happen next, or if the trouble was near them or in the house. However, I thought you had a great story and I loved the end. Although I would never enter a house after hearing screams, I could totally envision these boys entering into a pitch-black doorway with a scream trailing behind them... super creepy! Nice job = )
ReplyDeleteMore showing and less telling I think would have built more tension. You needed to establish a cause/effect relationship.