In this comic strip, Charles Schulz shows time in each panel. In the first panel, Snoopy is looking back over his shoulder. This shows that there is something in that direction that has his attention. In the next frame, he is shown running in the direction he was previously looking. This shows that he is moving towards whatever his attention is focused on, meaning that it happens after the first frame. The absence of background scenery in the second frame gives it a “timeless” quality, meaning that the amount of time Snoopy spends running is left to the reader’s imagination. In the third panel, something brings Snoopy to a stop. The final panel shows what has brought Snoopy to a stop, as well as his reaction.
Motion is shown in the second panel through the use of motion lines. These lines are located behind Snoopy’s feet, and indicate that he is running. This action is further emphasized by the space between Snoopy’s feet and the ground, giving the appearance of “flying over the ground” which is a synonym for running.
Emotion is portrayed in the first and second panel through the use of exclamation marks. In the third panel, Snoopy’s surprise is shown by his raised eyebrows and the position of his body. He appears to be jumping back in surprise. In the forth panel, Snoopy’s eyes are looking to the side while his eyebrows are arched, indicating he is rolling his eyes.
Very good, I think you have pretty much grasped the subjects of time, motion, and emotion. Good use of indicating where and what the motions lines meant and depicting Snoopy's emotions through his eyes. Only thing you could have elaborated on was time. Where did your mind go in between each panel? How much time was taken to show the events in this comic; days, minutes, seconds?