3 important concepts you learned so far in the course
1. Theme. Sets the scene of the piece that one is writing. It is the central idea, values, thesis, message, and meaning. The theme I believe is one of the important, if not the most important parts to a writing, graphic etc. I believe this is because the theme is the overall idea, the main concept if you will, and without it the story has no direction. Theme also opens us up to different forms of writing, for example, after coming up with a theme it may be more suited as a Haiku instead of an essay.
2. Point of View. It is important to know who is telling the story because the different stories can change from person to person, from view to view. I read Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin, it tells the story from one main character, then her next book Something Blue tells the story from the other main character. Both of which are completely different, because they both experienced different feelings, and saw different things etc.
3. Style and Symbolism. How the writer expresses their words, and potrays them to the reader is very important. Depending on how they word their writing, determines how the reader will read and understand the material. Writings that are simple and easy to understand and visualize will undoubtedly help the reader to like their work and make it interesting without overwhelming them. Symbolism is extremely helpful in understanding the writer’s intentions and in turn helps the reader again understand more. Symbolism can be difficult to understand because of hidden meanings, but it makes the plot that much more interesting.
3 activities you did that you either liked or didn't like and explain why
1. I really enjoy doing journal entries in class, because I feel like I can escape from reality and think outside of the box for the 10 minutes or so. I think that journal entries are beneficial to writers because it allows from them to express their feelings freely without being judged. Words seem to flow better when you write, speaking aloud sometimes gives off the wrong impression, but writing can be interpreted however the reader understands it.
2. I didn’t like the last poetry assignment, where we worked in pairs. I believe poetry should come freely and not rushed into a short class. Maybe writing outside of class, and offering student’s time to visit places that evoke feelings would be more beneficial to help come up with themes. In addition, I think it would be a good Wednesday assignment and have other students give responses via discussion room. Hearing critiques helps the writer grow as a poet.
3. I really liked the poetry newspaper clippings. I thought this was a creative way to help out those who have writer’s block come up with some ideas and a theme. I know when I write; sometimes I need to do a little creative brainstorming to come up with some ideas.
3 sentences that represent how you felt about what you learned and what you did in class
1. I feel like this is a very productive class, and although we only meet once a week, I think we have learned a lot of pertinent information that will be beneficial in the future.
2. I love the technology aspect of this class, I had never been exposed to Voki’s and worlds and such before this class, and I think it’s a great tool if used correctly.
3. This class is very refreshing, no matter how bad of a weekend I had, how stressed out I am, I can come to class Monday afternoon, and it all rushes away.
Great suggestion about the poetry writing as an online assignment. I did want you to work with your TA partner, though. I thought about having a homework assignment in which you revise your poem and explain the process of how you wrote it as a team. Sometimes in the real world you may be rushed with a deadline...come up with a jingle or a slogan if you are in marketing. You know this from your work on the newspaper.