Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ian Rosenthal - Blog Post 1 Enemy of the People

  • Analyze Dr. Stockmann's motivation in revealing the truth about the polluted springs. Selfish or unselfish motives? Explain.

After the discovery of the unhealthy, polluted baths, Dr. Stockmann pushes for changes to be implemented. Yet, everybody in the town is against the idea and attacks his self respect, and freedom to speak. The only real reason that all the leaders of the town turned against Dr. Stockmann is because they were afraid of the people. In turn, Dr. Stockmann is motivated in revealing the truth by his anger towards the situation and the realization of the destruction the town is facing.

Dr. Stockmanns motives in revealing the truth about the spring to the town portray selfishness and unselfishness. He is concerned for the community as a whole, yet he is concerned for himself and his family too. His brother, Peter, told him in the past to not tell the people about the baths because it could ruin the town and cause chaos. Dr. Stockmann was selfish and went against what the mayor of the town stated. All in all, the town eventually praises Dr. Stockmann as a hero for the work he did and what he discovered.

1 comment:

  1. I dont hink that town all together prasies doctor stockman beacuse he does beome the ememy of the poeple. greatjob expressing your opinion.
