Three things I have learned:
- I have learned that within Literauture there lies an opportunity in which I can take something that has been said, and make it my own. I can disagree with a theory and I can offer my own opinion.
- I have learned that there is more to poems than just rhyming. I learned that there are various types that can be followed and that they may not always have to rhyme. Also, I learned that adding expression to my reading of poems makes them more deep and intense.
- Last but not least, I have learned that sometimes reading over and correcting your own paper is the best tool at reveiving an A on the paper. I learned that taking your time and revising can really bring out the writer in you, if you let it. With that I have learned, like in my picture, that possibilities with writing are endless. Like the dock that seems to go on forever, writing is something you can stretch and stretch until it is what you want or what you make of it.
Three activities that I like:
- The wordle. Not only did I enjoy describing characters in our readings through a fun and creative way, but I was also able to take that and relate it to my own life. I made a few for my closest friends with words I feel describe how much they mean to me and why they are in my life. It went over very well. I enjoyed learning about the characters by remembering the words I used to describe them in the wordle.
- The poem we did in class with the newspaper was also enjoyable. I did a Haiku about a young girl who was murdered. It was interesting how I could almost have a tribute to her using the words in the article about her death. I will now know how to do a Haiku and I know just how wonderful they are to share with others. I can use this in my furthering of english and possibly for fun.
- Lastly, I enjoyed the last activity where I did a name poem with the professor. We did it on my name and contributed things in her life that would make a good poem. It was not easy, but the professor taught me to incorporate a theme into my poem, making it revolve around something specific. It turned out great and I use that now in my every day life to remember to speak with emphesis and passion. It comes off to people in a more positive way and they will know what is trying to be said:)
Three sentences on how I feel:
- I feel honored that I have been able to work with somebody close, who, may have become a role model for me through her teaching and experiences in life. Not only those, but also the personality this professor holds seems to be the same personality I have and it is shown that it is a successful, prosperous one.
- I am sad that this may be the only class I receive an A in for working hard and being graded fairly on my effort. I feel creative that I can receive this grade through the many forms of literature we go over.
- Last, I feel excited. I am excited for what will become of myself and my peers. I am excited to see what the next step is after midterms.
Francesca, I had a blast working with you on the name poem and even featured you on my Lit Reflections blog. Check it out on the blog roll on the sidebar.