Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sam. E Blog 3 Scuba Lessons
3. In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
The scuba lessons play made me think that they hadn’t dated, but that they had a fling. I do not think that Dan and Kelly have ever been in a serious relationship. I feel as though they were always just really good friends that had secret feelings for each other. I think if they were to be in a relationship, it would work because they would put away their problems. I think the only reason they fight is because they aren’t dating and want to be. When Kelly accidently admits that she follows the Yankees scores, it became obvious that she wanted to be Dan’s girlfriend. Even if she didn’t like baseball, she taught herself to, to make him happy.
Joseph: Scuba Lessons and Sure thing.
3. In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
Kelly and Dan have many similarities and differences. They both work in the same office. Seems as if they are taking interest in each other. There have been many mixed signals between them but they finally got that all out of the way when it was all on the table and it took 2 blind dates to do it. Kelly showed evidence that they have dated before because she was giving a play by play on the conversation that Dan was having with his blind date. Dan also finished Kelly's story in the middle of it. That is more than enough evidence that they have dated before. The chances of a budding relationship is tough to tell from the small coffee shop interaction. But from everything they were talking about they agreed on and there was obviously some connection there. I feel that Kelly just wanted to find her love and was trying to hard. Dan is just going a long for the ride, evidence to this is Kelly watching the Yankee games for Dan to bring up some information about the Yankees. Dan took it like bait and Dan was head over heels for Kelly at that moment. I believe later throughout their relationship they will fight about their differences and will not be able to work them out and eventually break it off.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Jade McClelland - Blog Post 3
Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
There are several similarities between the two plays, Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing, and far less differences. Both plays took place in a café and despite the difference context within each – both plays included discussion during a date of some sort. For the two characters, Bill and Betty in Sure Thing, it was an impromptu date in which the main focus was solely on their conversation(s).
For the two main characters and old lovers, Kelly and Dan, in Scuba Lessons [a play that involved four characters (two flat and two round)] -- the main focus for both was the other lovers’ conversation with their respective blind date (Kelly with Martin, and Dan with Rayne), rather than on conversation with their own date.
In both dates, the tone was (for the most part) consistently negative and in conversation, the main focus was to “perfect” the relationship or discussion (either through thought or verbally stated) on how the character in question could improve themselves.
PS. The picture is a partial view of the Boston skyline.
Catherine's Blog 3
There are many similarities between Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing, such as setting, character types, and even themes. Both stories were set in a coffee type shop in which the setting is made quiet and comfortable for the story to take place. The characters are also similar in the way in which they are young with a focus on the theme of love. Love is at the heart of both of these stories in both the conversations and arguments.
There are however differences that also lie in the characters. Instead of two like in Sure Thing, there are six in Scuba Lessons. Also, in Sure Thing, the conversations seemed deeper including talk of literature and background versus Scuba Lessons' shallow talk of everyday life.
Vincent Giannone Blog Post 3: Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing
3. In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
During the play Scuba Lessons, there was a great deal of evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. Kelly, the main character of the play, is a bit of an annoyance with her controlling tendencies. She over analyzes everything, nothing ever goes through one ear and out the other. The story essentially revolves around her searching for her soul mate. While Dan, which so happens to be her best friend and coworker, is a loving guy who knows how to make her happy. As the play progresses, tension builds between the two characters. The play originally sets off with Kelly and Dan on two separate blind dates. But, they set it up so that their dates are at the exact same coffee-house. As the play unfolds Kelly realizes that her plans have diminished. Kelly realizes that she secretly loves Dan. One of the more obvious clues occurs during the end of the play. As the dates of Kelly and Dan begin too realize that they have been part of one big rouse, Kelly and Dan begin to fight. Dan expresses his not so convincing plea that he did not want to join her with a blind date at the coffee shop. After a brief rage, Dan asks “Then why did you set it up?!” And Kelly responds with “I don’t know. Maybe to see if you’d stop me, you stupid
Works Cited
- Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
The similarities are that both have an overriding theme of romance. Also, both display the same setting and similar conversations between the main characters. The couples also shared a relationship similarity. In the beginning of both relationships, both couples acted the same way toward one another. It seems that between both pieces, the challenge of keeping your relationship is what both sides and couples were trying to overcome.
Jessica's blog post 3
The symbolism used in Sure thing was the bell and then function of the bell is always to show some change in the dialogue which the action of the conversation goes in a different direction. An example from the poem is when Bill tries to start a conversation based on the book Betty is reading. Betty is reading The Sound and the Fury, one Bill thinks Hemingway wrote it however it was written by Faulkner and the bell was rung because Betty is not responsive to Bill.
The symbolism in Scuba lessons was Kelly’s dream and that the she believes on her blind date she is going to meet the man of her dreams. Kelly states But even though I’ve never seen him, I know what he’ll be like. He’ll be someone who looks in my eyes and knows that’s where he belongs. That’s why I’m so excited about tonight The funny thing is that she has seen him before its Dan and the end of the play he states your eyes feel like home. Kelly then stares into his eyes and knows he is the one.
Cedric: Blog Post 3
One main difference between the two similar plays was the amount of characters. In the play Sure Thing, the only characters are Bill and Betty. In the play Scuba Lessons, they were the two main characters on their date but four friends came into play and take away from the focus. Also, this play displayed the multiple outcomes depending on what Bill and Betty talked about. They would start a conversation and when it went sour a bell would ring and the conversation would start over.
Similarities between the two plays were of course the café setting and the conversations between an man and woman on a date. In both plays, it was relevant that that the goal was being perfect for their partner. In Scuba Lessons, Kelly lied to make herself more attractive and likeable. In Sure Thing, the bell continued to ring until finally they were in love.
Michael McGinn Blog Post 3
1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
It was interesting delving into the emotional composition of men and women while dating. Some act neurotic, some shy, but between both stories one can feel the same type of unnerving tension that can sometimes emerge between couples. To name a few differences, however, Scuba Lessons involved more characters into the dating scene. This story had blind dating in effect that truly captured the type of emotional shakiness, and nervous feelings of dating. Sure thing was actually just two people dating rather than Scuba Lessons' four, but both seemed to depict the dating scene accurately. There's the crazy ones, standoffish ones, etc. that adds credibility to the character development. The complexity of the characters made the stories believable and intriguing.
Michelle's Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing Blog Post
1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing are similar in that they both take place in a café, and both include romance as a theme. The connections that are made between the dates are similar in that they both start out awkward and then in the end they both wind up working things out to be together. For Bill and Betty, it was starting over again, and again to get it right to be compatible, for Martin and Rayne they left the coffee house together because of a hate for baseball and for the other ‘awkward’ couple, and for Dan and Kelly, it was a hate relationship that turned into hidden love for each other that was found because of other dates. In a sense the relationship between Bill and Betty at first was similar to that of Martin and Kelly. Kelly was extremely disinterested in Martin like Betty was in Bill, but after a few redo’s sounded by a bell the end of their conversation and relationship was like Dan and Kelly, and how they seemed to have known each other, and have so much in common.
The number of people and conversations between the different couples contained many differences. The main one was that in Scuba Lessons there were four people, two couples, where as Sure Thing was only two people, and one couple. Conversations between Bill and Betty were about books, life, and culture. Kelly and Martins conversation consisted of Martin talking and Kelly pretending to listen. Rayne and Dan’s correlations were about sports and movies, hitting the surface of beginning dating. And the final couple Dan and Kelly had been friends for a while, both liking each other without ever directly stating it, and playing games to get the other to give it up, so there conversation was more of a non verbal understanding, and one that came naturally.
Talia's Blog Post 3: Scuba Lessons
3. In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
Kelly’s expectations for a partner are quite high. High expectations that are out of reach usually end in disappointment. She is the type that thinks “love will cure all” and it will strike like lightning, based on her dream and the opening aside. She is holding onto a fantasy that might not ever come true. Kelly seems to have issues and she even says, “I feel guilty a lot”.
I hope Kelly and Dan make it. Kelly is a little neurotic but it seems that she has accepted Dan and knows him well. Dan may not be as predictable as she thinks and does say exactly what she wants to hear when he compares her eyes to “home”. If she is able to let her guard down and not try to control or demean Dan, their relationship could work. Hopefully Dan can keep her interested and not be too predictable. Also, if Kelly can stay in reality and not believe that a “perfect man” exists, they may have a lasting, healthy relationship.
Image url:
Ian Rosenthal's Blog Post 3
- In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
There are many indications in "Scuba Lessons" that show evidence of Kelly and Dan possibly having a past relationship. In the beginning of the play, Kelly wakes up stating that she had a dream last night about a guy... "Last night I had one of those dreams where I woke up and I couldn’t remember anything I dreamt about."(Kelly Act 1) This could be the first clue to that fact that she loves Dan and wants to be with him. Yet, during the middle of the play Kelly and Dan each go on a "blind" date in which the date takes place at the same restaurant. It seems as if they are both uncertain about there break up and do not want to date anyone else. Kelly says, "Actually it’s a blind date. Both Dan and I have blind dates tonight. Which would normally scare me. To tell the truth I was terrified." When I read this line my view towards Kelly and Dan immediately changed. I believe that Kelly and Dan had a past relationship and are trying to, sort of, get over each other. Yet, clues and symbols throughout the play indicate the strong love that Kelly may have towards Dan, but Dan may not feel the same way.
Sean S. Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing
Matt Goldberg: Blog Post 3
In both Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing they deal with the idea of dating and relationships. The main difference in the two plays in the number of characters. In each play the characters are set up into a typical dating type scenario. What makes the two plays different is that in Sure Thing there are only two characters and these two characters met randomly at a coffee shop. But in the play Scuba Lessons it involves four characters, which are set up on blind dates. The two plays might have had different amounts of characters and a little different of a scenario but they both took place in a coffee shop. One odd thing that occurred in the play Sure Thing was every time Bill would answer a question incorrectly a bell would ring, reversing time giving Bill another chance at the question, and this would continue to happen until he answer correctly. The four characters in Scuba Lessons are Dan, Martin, Kelly, and Rayne. Kelly was set up with Martin and Rayne was set up with Dan. The play takes a turn when the four characters end up falling for the others date.
Mason's Blog Post 3
1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
Dating plays a major role in both Scuba Lessons and Sure thing. Both plays contain pairs of people that are in some way involved in developing a relationship. The couples go through typical dating scenarios like talking about hobbies, books, and themselves. Awkward situations abound for the couples in both plays as well. In Scuba Lessons Kelly drags her date Martin over to Dan and Rayne’s table, while in Sure Thing Bill repeatedly says something that ruins his chances with Betty.
One of the major differences between the plays is the number of characters. There are four characters in Scuba Lessons, with Kelly and Dan inadvertently working together to make a mess of things until they finally get it right. In Sure Thing, Bill doesn’t need any help to make the situation deteriorate, in fact he alone messes up more times than Kelly and Dan do together. Another major difference is that in Sure Thing, whenever Bill says the wrong thing time rewinds and he gets another try. The bell is the signal for this rewind.
Megan's Blog Post 3: Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing
Prompt: In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
When the truth comes out that Dan and Kelly actually know eachother, it becomes quite clear that they would probably not last long in their budding relationship.
Kelly's had three blind dates in row. She's trying too hard to find someone like her and she hypes up the date too much and is let down because of it.
Both Dan and Kelly are jealous and possesive people, which is obvious in their conversations even before we know they knew each other. Even at the end, when Kelly is expecting Dan to say something "flowery" about her eyes and hair to get back on her good side, she calls him a "big jerk" in anticipation. However, instead, he says her eyes look like "home." But this shows that he has said things that annoy her before and she annoys him too. This residue from their previous reltionship, won't do anything but add to their misery. Because at this point, they both cannot just get back together and act like that past hasn't happened.
If the attitudes and wrong things they say to each other aren't enough, there isn't many (if any at all) complements they pay each other, or any nice things to say. They seem to have a relationship based on bugging each other, and that is a hard thing to stop and turn into a relationship that Kelly is looking for.
Their sarcasm is also bordering on mean and not of a comedic tone most of the time. Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin, and it rears its head throughout the play. Neither Dan nor Kelly can stop themselves. However, this may be on account of the fact that they are both on dates with other people. Their jealousy is rearing their ugly heads and may not actually be their usual reactions to eachother. But as a one-act play, we do not know exactly how they used to act around eachother. We only have what they do here and how they act. And the way they are is not helpful to any aspirations they have of having a good relationship together.
Themes and Symbolism
Both Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing centered around a basic "love" theme, specifically on the dating aspect and the conflict(s) between men and women. They both shined light on the vast differences between men and women, as well. Scuba Lessons was unique, however, in that it dealt with an already existing relationship (between Dan and Kelly) and the complications that go along with it. Sure Thing, on the other hand, displayed the complexities between a couple first meeting. Different scenarios displayed Bill either not being able to come up with any interesting replies to Betty's remarks or lying - things that many people tend to do at some point when meeting and trying to impress someone for the first time. Although they had similar themes and ideas to them, they differed in the type of "love situation" they were dealing with. It was rather interesting also that both had small musical references made in them; the bell sounding was significant in Sure Thing and a small mention of "musical involvement" proved ironic in Scuba Lessons.
Characters and Setting
Interestingly enough, both of the short plays took place in a coffee shop and involved a waiter (although with some slight variation). The waiter was only referred to in Sure Thing, but in Scuba Lessons the coffee shop waiter had more of a role and dialogue. The characters in both plays not only involved a man and a woman meeting for the first time, but were all around the same age. I believe the fact that the characters were placed in a setting such as a cafe because it is not only a typical place for coversation but a convenient one, as well. Kelly (in Scuba Lessons) comments on her and Martin's meeting in the cafe: "I think this is a great place though. A nice place to meet people. And to talk."
Overall Story (and Message)
It was refreshing to see that both short plays ended on a kind of positive and happy note. Sure Thing, however, ended on a happy "scenario," if you will. Both plays seemed to have resulted in the happy ending we all expect and hope for in situations such as those. Relationships, dating, and love in general are complicated, difficult, and sometimes disappointing (to say the least), but Sure Thing and Scuba Lessons took those negative parts of love and showed the good, bad, ugly, and what would happen if all went well.
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Erica Blog Post 3: Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing
1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
- As I was reading the Plays Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing, I noticed they were very different in the way they were set up. The play Sure Thing deals with only 2 people, but the play Scuba Lessons deals with 4. Another difference would be they way each person met each other. In Sure Thing, Bill and Betty just happen to meet each other randomly at the coffee house. In Scuba Lessons, Martin, Dan, Kelly, and Rayne were purposely set up on blind dates. But I also noticed a lot of similarities as well. Both plays took place in a coffee house where the couples would be meeting. Although Martin was maybe older about mid 30s, all the characters, Kelly, Dan, Rayne, Betty, and Bill were all in their mid 20s. In the play Sure Thing, Betty and Bill met each other randomly while Betty was waiting for someone. But there was a bell that kept ringing that made their conversation change to force each character to keep asking the same question over and over again until they were finally able to come up with the same answers. Eventually towards the end of the play, they find out that they have a lot in common and actually confess their love to each other. In the play Scuba Lessons, the four characters Kelly, Dan, Martin, and Rayne were all set up on a blind date. Dan and Rayne were set up together and Kelly and Martin were set up together as well. But to every one’s surprise, Kelly and Dan were the two who ended up falling in love with each other. So in both instances, each couple both realized their feelings towards one another. At the end of each play the couples confess their love for one another. There were many awkward conversations throughout both and the women at one point or another got very annoyed with the men. Because these plays were so different in the way they went about, at the end both served a purpose for finding true love no matter how it came to them.
Work Cited
Honeymoon Phase. Web. 27 Oct. 2009.
Emily Blog Post 3 Scuba Lessons
3. In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
In "Scuba Lessons" the writer creates a scenario in which four individuals find themselves in awkward and confusing situations. Kelly and Dan are portrayed as coworkers that are “friends” so to speak. And Martin and Rayne are the blind dates of Kelly and Dan. In the beginning of the play Kelly is having an internal conversation with herself. She begins to relay the satiation at hand and a few details that the readers need to be aware of in order to fully understand what is going on throughout the play. Initially Kelly mentions dreaming about her “mister right” and how she just knows that she will meet him on this blind date. As she is doing so, she mentions how her “friend” Dan also has a blind date and how she suggested that they should meet at the same place (the coffee house) incase either of their evenings take a turn for the worse. The fact Kelly wants to be around Dan on their dates is a big red flag to me. Either she finds security with is presence or just wants to keep an eye on him making sure he doesn’t have a good time invites the readers to believe there might be something there that is a little more than friendship. Also a big sign that Kelly and Dan might have had a fling is that Kelly by stating “That’s Dan. He likes me. But we’re not. No. I mean he’s sweet. We always do stuff like this together. Well not like this. We do things. Sometimes we come here and get coffee. Well he gets coffee. I don’t like coffee. Or tea. Actually I hate tea; but, we’re just friends. It’s hard to explain. Dan and I ... ... we just—.” The fact that she is up in the air about how she defines their friendship can only cause the readers to believe that there is history. As the play progresses it seems as though Dan and Kelly are those people that have feelings for each but both are too proud or ashamed to do anything about it. There is evidence at the end of the play that suggest that both Kelly and Dan don’t like to talk about their feelings. They hide their feelings behind insults and harsh comments. When Kelly finally mentions that they held hands and that she wanted Dan to be jealous of her dating other men I felt like a wall was torn down be the two. Now they are able to act on their feelings and leave the animosity they had towards each other in the past and move on.
Julia Coffey: Blog Post Three: Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing
1.Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
One similarity between the two plays Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing is the setting. Both of the plays take place in a coffee shop or diner type setting. Both of them involve being on dates between the main characters of the story. Both plays seem to be looking for perfection between the couples. In Sure Thing if the conversation between the two characters is not a perfect one a bell is rung and the conversation starts over. This is also evident in Scuba Lessons. Kelly seems to be perfect for Dan by the responses she gives. She seems to be able to answer all of his questions and likes all the same things that he likes. While Rayne, Dan’s date, is sitting there trying to make up for her comments by saying that she lied and really hates baseball.
One difference that is evident between the two plays is the amount of main characters. Sure Thing involves only two people Bill and Betty while Scuba Lessons involves four characters, Martin, Kelly, Rayne and Dan. Another difference is in how the dates occurred. In Sure Thing the date wasn’t planned it randomly occurred while in Scuba Lessons they intentionally met at the coffee shop for their dates.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Blog 3 : Lisa Melchiorre
1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing both take place in a cafe type of place. It's interesting because although they start out different each play turns into a date between at least two characters.
Sure Thing is about Bill and Betty who met each other in the coffee place and everytime one of them says something that the other person doesn't like or it doesn't allow the play to continue on a bell is rung to start over and turn it into the perfect responses.
I kind of found the same thing in Scuba Lessons when Martin and Kelly sit next to Rayne and Dan, Kelly can answer all of Dan's questions and what he likes and it seems like Kelly is perfect for Dan. The reader also finds out that how Rayne responses were what she thought Dan wanted to hear (i.e. Rayne: And by the way, I was lying. I really hate baseball).
Both plays were similar in how each "pair" was looking for the perfect date and responses, kind of how Kelly said she was here to meet her "soulmate".
The obvious differences include how in Scuba Lessons there are two couples rather than the one is Sure Thing. Also that in Sure Thing the "date" wasn't planned, it just sort of happened and with all the bells worked out for the best. I enjoyed both plays and they both told the reader how hard blind dates can be for anyone.
Blog Post 3: Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing
Choose ONE of the following to write a post on. Copy and paste the question you are responding to.
Your post must be a minimum of 150 words. The title of your post should include your first name and the name of the post (e.g., Marilyn M: Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing
Reply to at least two of your peers' posts and include some kind of graphic or short video clip related to the post question. Go to the Resources tab in Angel to get copyright free photos or cite your graphic at the end of your post.
1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the play Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing. Use evidence from the story to support your claims.
2. Discuss the symbols in the plays Scuba Lessons and Sure Thing and explain what each of these symbols mean. Use evidence from the plays to support your claims.
3. In Scuba Lessons, there was evidence that Kelly and Dan had previously dated. What evidence from the play makes you think that they will or will not make it in this budding relationship.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Jessica's Blog post 2 Enemy of the people
Summarize briefly who this person was and why this person was a whistleblower.
Compare and contrast this person to the whistleblower from Enemy of the People, Dr. Stockmann.
Katharine Teresa Gun is a former employee for the Government Communications Headquarters, more commonly known as a British intelligence agency in which she worked as a translator. She became widely known for spewing top-secret information to the press relating to illegal activities performed by the United States of America in their efforts to invade Iraq in. On January 31, 2003, she received a frightening e-mail from an American National Security Agency official and this mail called for aid in an illegal and secret operation to bug the United Nations offices of six high risk nations. These six nations consisted of the “swing nations” that were on the UN Security Council. These nations could very well have determined whether or not the UN accepted the criticized invasion of Iraq. Gun admitted purging the email to the press (The Observer) but said she did it "with a clear conscience", hoping to somehow prevent the bloody war. "I have no regrets and I would do it again", she said. She "honestly didn't think that would have had any practical effect.” After her revelation, GCHQ abruptly terminated her employment. I believe that like doctor Stockman Kathrine saw the issue at hand and immediately told the public think it would solve the situation. Just as doctor Stockman had told the public the water was contaminated
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Jade McCelland - Blog Post 2
One of the most famed “whistleblowers” within my subculture is a woman named Kim Osorio. Kim started working at The Source magazine in 2000, and by 2003 she was named Editor-in-Chief and was the first female within the company to ever hold that position. Long story short: the fact that she was a female in power didn’t go over well with most of the male employees that were “under” her. She was constantly harassed and taunted. While most female employees at The Source at the time just took it all with a grain of salt, Kim decided to file a lawsuit again The Source for sexual harassment, discrimination, and defamation of character – among other things.
Kim was like Dr. Stockmann in that she knew that something was wrong. Like Dr. Stockmann inherently knew that neglecting the pollution in the springs was wrong, Kim knew that to neglect to acknowledge sexual harassment in the workplace would be wrong. Unlike Dr. Stockmann though, Kim, before anything else – pursued legal action.
Cedric Cummings Blog Post 2
Samantha Blog Post 2
Michelle's Blog Post 2- Frank Serpico
Frank Serpico, is a retired New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who is famous for being a whistleblower, because he testified in 1971 against the police who were charged with police corruption. He also received much more fame after the 1973 movie, Serpico, and highlighted the events that occurred during and after his time while on duty.
Where and when he first experienced this corruption was while he was assigned to work plain clothes, in other words and officer undercover, while in Brooklyn, NY. Because he refused to take part in the racketeering corruption that was taking place he was taken off the chart. Serpico risked his own safety to expose those who did partake in the corruption. Eventually he joined forces with David Durk and exposed the corruption via front page news, which alerted Mayor John V. Lindsey to make the 5- member panel also known as the Knapp Commission to investigate the matter. During a routine drug bust, Serpico, was told by his collegues to stand by the door because he spoke Spanish, and when he got locked into the corridor after calling for help, he was shot in the face. His colleagues were called into question whether it was a set up or not.
Dr. Stockmann is a man who believes what is right, and will fight at all cost to make sure the people’s safety is preserved. In comparison, Frank Serpico has those same attributes. He risked his life, for the greater safety of the New York residents, by exploiting the corruption within the police department. This was a very brave and honorable thing to do, but has its consequences, like being shot, and dissociated, and hated by many. Both of these whistleblowers used the newspaper to their advantage, although the newspaper may or may not have been in support of it.
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Stephanie Blog Post 2
- Research a famous whistleblower not mentioned in this lesson.
- Summarize briefly who this person was and why this person was a whistleblower.
- Compare and contrast this person to the whistleblower from Enemy of the People, Dr. Stockmann.
William Mark Felt was formerly part of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He admitted to being the whistleblower of the Watergate scandal in which former President Robert Nixon was involved. Felt's revelation led to President Nixon's resignation in 1974. Felt was convicted with a felony of violating the civil rights of people involved in the Watergate scandal. He was sentenced to ten years in prison with a $5,000 fine. A year later President Ronald Reagan issued a pardon for William Felt.
William Felt is like Dr. Stockmann in Enemy of the People because he spoke the truth for a good cause. William Felt came out and spoke about what the former President was doing. He uncovered the truth behind the break in at the Watergate building where five men tried stealing tapes of President Nixon's phone conversations. Dr. Stockmann tried uncovering the truth about the polluted springs but was thought of differently by everyone else in the town. He thought he was doing something good but to others it was thought that he was destroying the town. William Felt was never thought as an enemy. This is the difference between the two of them.
Ian Rosenthal Blog Post 2 - Whistleblower
- Research a famous whistleblower not mentioned in this lesson. Summarize briefly who this person was and why this person was a whistleblower. Compare and contrast this person to the whistleblower from Enemy of the People, Dr. Stockmann.
A whistleblower is somebody who leaks information about a past or present illegal activity that has taken place in an organization. One of the largest whistleblowers in the U.S. history was Richard Nixon and the revealing of the "Watergate" Scandal. Nominated for President in 1968, he defeated vice president Hubert H. Humphrey to become America's leader for four years. In 1972, there was a break-in in the offices of the Democratic Committee in which were traced back to the people of the Nixon administration.
On April 30, 1973, President Nixon sat down with a reporter named Robert Frost to have an interview on national television about the entire "Watergate" scandal. He stated exactly what happened, yet still objected the fact that he was a part of this illegal activity. In turn, Richard Nixon went into history as a whistleblower and as a disgrace to the American people. He reported the wrong - doing much after his resignation from office which can be compared to the activities and actions that occurred with Dr. Stockmann in Enemy of the People. Richard Nixon and Dr. Stockmann each kept a secret away from their people that could have hurt or killed many citizens. Nixon seemed to try and cover up the entire scandal without telling anybody until the media started to catch on. This contrasts with Dr. Stockmann's situation because he was determined to figure out a way to let the people know what the town's issue was. He did not want to "cover up" the situation; he wanted the citizens to know the truth even if other "leaders" told him not to.
Works Cited
Feinberg, Jonathan. Wordles. 2009.
Watergate. 1995 - 2009.
Ian Rosenthal - Blog Post 1 Enemy of the People
- Analyze Dr. Stockmann's motivation in revealing the truth about the polluted springs. Selfish or unselfish motives? Explain.
After the discovery of the unhealthy, polluted baths, Dr. Stockmann pushes for changes to be implemented. Yet, everybody in the town is against the idea and attacks his self respect, and freedom to speak. The only real reason that all the leaders of the town turned against Dr. Stockmann is because they were afraid of the people. In turn, Dr. Stockmann is motivated in revealing the truth by his anger towards the situation and the realization of the destruction the town is facing.
Dr. Stockmanns motives in revealing the truth about the spring to the town portray selfishness and unselfishness. He is concerned for the community as a whole, yet he is concerned for himself and his family too. His brother, Peter, told him in the past to not tell the people about the baths because it could ruin the town and cause chaos. Dr. Stockmann was selfish and went against what the mayor of the town stated. All in all, the town eventually praises Dr. Stockmann as a hero for the work he did and what he discovered.
Sean Blog Post 2 Whistle blowing
Compare and contrast this person to the whistleblower from Enemy of the People, Dr. Stockmann.
The whistleblower I chose to research and compare and contrast to Dr. Stockmann is John Kopchinski. John Kopchinski was a former pfizer sale representative who has just won a 6 year leagal battle with the company and earned himself $52 million. Pfizer was promoting 13 drugs for wrong usages and doses that were not approved by the FDA. Kopchinski told the company that he was not able to work for them if they were giving these false promotions so he quit and went to law enforcement.
You can compare Dr. Stockmann to Mr. Kopchinski because they both were trying to help people when they both became whistleblowers. In both cases, the people involved were trying to protect the health of people. Dr. Stockmann investigated the springs because he thought something was wrong and he was write. He let the secret out because it was affecting people in a negative way. Mr. Kopchinski did the same thing with these 13 drugs made by Pfizer. When he found out what was going on he wanted nothing to do with it and went to the press and authorites.
Dr. Stockmann and Mr. Kopchinski differ and a way as well. In Mr. Kopchinski's case he got $52 million out of it. On the other hand, Dr. Stockmann did not want anything from his discovery. He goes as far as saying that he would even give the credit to his brother Mr. Stockmann if his brother wanted it. This shows that he was actually doing it for the right cause.
Ian Rosenthal - Blog Post 1 Enemy of the People
- Analyze Dr. Stockmann's motivation in revealing the truth about the polluted springs. Selfish or unselfish motives? Explain.
After the discovery of the unhealthy, polluted baths, Dr. Stockmann pushes for changes to be implemented. Yet, everybody in the town is against the idea and attacks his self respect, and freedom to speak. The only real reason that all the leaders of the town turned against Dr. Stockmann is because they were afraid of the people. In turn, Dr. Stockmann is motivated in revealing the truth by his anger towards the situation and the realization of the destruction the town is facing.
Dr. Stockmanns motives in revealing the truth about the spring to the town portray selfishness and unselfishness. He is concerned for the community as a whole, yet he is concerned for himself and his family too. His brother, Peter, told him in the past to not tell the people about the baths because it could ruin the town and cause chaos. Dr. Stockmann was selfish and went against what the mayor of the town stated. All in all, the town eventually praises Dr. Stockmann as a hero for the work he did and what he discovered.
Michael Mcginn Blog Post 2
Dr. Jeffrey S. Wigand was crucial in the uncovering of the ethical relapses of the Cigarrete company "Brown & Williamson." He became a nationally known whistleblower when he released the company's decision in the selection of ingredients in their cigarettes. "On February 4, 1996 on the CBS news program 60 Minutes, he stated Brown & Williamson intentionally manipulates the tobacco blend to increase the amount of nicotine in cigarette smoke, thereby increasing the 'impact' to the smoker." His efforts were widely praised by the public and he continues to lead the effort against tabacco use with his non-profit organization Smoke Free Kids Inc..
His resemblence to Dr. Stockmann is quite apparent. Both of these whistleblowers were fighting for the public's health against great adversity. The difference, however, is the fact that Dr. Stockmann's effort was neglected by the whole town. Dr. Jeffrey S. Wigand had the support of the public, just not the CEOs and employees of the cigarrete companies.
Works Cited
Misc. Pictures. (2009, February 4). Retrieved October 21, 2009 , from's!.htm
Wigand, D. J. (n.d.). The Man Who Knew Too Much. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from